02 Nov weekend challenge 2.11.2019
Best Band Exercises for the Ultimate Full Body Workout below: 5 ROUNDS OF:
➡️ 12 x SINGLE ARM BAND CHEST PRESS (elbows up, hands forward, good posture)
➡️ 12 x SINGLE ARM BAND ROWS (squeeze the shoulders back)
* Allow your shoulder blades to move freely
* Shoulder blades glide backward as you pull the band backward
* Shoulder blades glide forward as you move your hands back toward the starting position
* Keep your upper back in the same position (no rounding) the entire time you are doing the exercise
➡️ 12 x BAND PUSH UPS (Squeeze your glutes and brace your abdominals—as if you were about to be punched in the gut. Maintain these contractions for the duration of this exercise.
➡️ 12 x SINGLE ARM BAND BICEPS CURLS (Step on a resistance band with one foot and hold the handle with the same-side hand, just above your thigh. Use your biceps to curl the band up until it reaches your shoulder. Lower it back down and repeat.)
➡️ 12 x SINGLE ARM BAND TRICEP EXTENSION (elbows and shoulders fixed position)
➡️ 12 x BAND DEADLIFT (core tight, back level)
➡️ 12 x BAND DONKEY KICKS (* Assume the starting position on all fours: knees hip-width apart, hands under your shoulders, neck and spine neutral.
* Bracing your core, begin to lift your right leg, knee staying bent, foot staying flat, and hinging at the hip.
* Use your glute to press your foot directly toward the ceiling and squeeze at the top. Ensure your pelvis and working hip stay pointed toward the ground.)
✅ Rest 90 seconds between rounds
✅ Čas izvedbe vaje je nepomemben, fokus je na pravilni izvedbi lete
‼️ Pred vadbo OBVEZNO 10 do 15 min ogrevanja.
‼️ Po vadbi raztezne vaje
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